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Scandinavian Biolabs Mittel gegen Haarausfall Bio-Pilixin® Hair Strength Shampoo für Frauen
Unsere Empfehlungen
Ich benutze es seit einem Monat und ich habe keine Veränderungen bemerkt, außer dass ich meine Haare seltener waschen muss.
I am really happy with this shampoo. Perfectly cleanses the scalp without drying out. The hair is shiny and soft. And most importantly for me, I noticed that it stimulates hair growth and prevents hair loss. After 3 weeks of use I notice that my young hair is growing which I haven't seen in a long time and my hair falls out much less . I'm overjoyed!
Oke so my hair is very long and i mean long it comes down to my hips but at the front and on top its thinning, so that's why the scandinavian biolabs caught my eye. Because it's so long I very difficult when it comes to the shampoo but this is a game changer. I have soft water but after using the shampoo and conditioner it felt strong, softer and clean in a way I've never had before. Im obsessed 😍 I just love these products ❤
Tried multiple shampoos during my life and never found one that could give lightnesses, nutrition and strength to my hair, and more, my scalp it’s not itchy anymore. I’m loving the experience!